SEND Policy
4. Achieve the very best of which they are capable.
5. Demonstrate personal development and growth.
6. Make effective independent decisions.
All staff to
7. Be well equipped to identify and meet needs.
8. Identify children's needs early.
9. Plan effective interventions.
10. Evaluate and revise interventions regularly.
All parents/carers to:
11. Be kept informed.
12. Be active participants in decisions made for/about their child.
All teachers/staff will strive to ensure children:
- Feel happy, secure and included
- Provide a secure and caring environment
- Use positive and supportive language
- Use praise to celebrate achievement
- Set suitable learning intentions
- Celebrate achievements with parents/carers
- Children given a sense of belonging whatever their social ethnic or cultural background
- Wherever possible children with physical difficulties to experience a broad and balanced curriculum
- Have access to a broad balanced and relevant curriculum
- Adapted planning (personalised for individual children)
- Ability groupings within year groups
- Provide appropriate support through additional adults, resources and interventions
3. Make good progress
- Use appropriate teaching styles to meet the needs of the children
- Encourage parents/carers to be involved
- Celebrate achievements
- Set suitable learning intentions with clear success criteria
4. Achieve the very best of which they are capable
- Use effective assessments and monitoring
- Provide high quality learning opportunities and materials
- Use positive and supportive language
- Intervene early
- Make effective use of outside agencies
- Liaise with parents/carers
- Use additional adults effectively
5. Demonstrate personal development and growth
- Use praise and positive language to reinforce all aspects of personal development e.g. eating with a knife and fork, sharing with a friend
- Celebrate achievements
- Access quiet spaces that are set up for reflection or calming down when needed
6. Make effective independent decisions
- All children are given the opportunity to make their own choices
- Increase children's responsibilities in school
All teachers/staff will strive to:
7. Be well equipped to identify and meet needs
- Liaise with parents/carers, (given extra time during parents evening, extra time/meetings to be given at the discretion of the teacher)
- Staff have access to guidance files containing information/advice to aid with identification of particular difficulties
- Effective communication with SENDco and outside agencies
8. Identify children's needs early
- Nursery staff to gain early information from parents on home visits
- Identify areas of weakness at an early stage using the Nursery Profile scores
- Continue to identify any areas of weakness quickly as children move through school
- Identify quickly any concerns regarding new starters in other year groups
9. Plan effective interventions
- All planned interventions to be known to all staff working with the child
- Parents/carers to be seen as partners working alongside staff
- Good communication between SENDco, staff, parents/carers and outside agencies
- Where appropriate children to discuss their future targets and celebrate their own achievements
10. Evaluate and revise interventions regularly
- Interventions reviewed on at least a termly basis and future planning to be based on this information
- Progress shared and discussed with parents/carers
- Children involved where appropriate in discussion and evaluating their progress
11. Parents/carers to be kept informed.
- Class teachers to keep parents/carers fully involved from the initial concern
- Information to be shared in a sensitive way
- To jointly celebrate success however small
When a child is identified as having SEND the class teacher and SENDco will:
- Ensure parents/carers are kept informed from the start of any SEND provision
- Use the curricular assessment process to allow the child to show what they know, understand, and can do and celebrate their strengths, as well as to identify any learning difficulties
- Involve parents in developing and implementing a joint learning approach at home and in school
- Put in place suitable adaptations/interventions
When a class teacher or the SENDco identifies a child with SEND the class teacher should provide interventions that are additional to or different from those provided as part of the school's usual adapted curriculum under ‘Quality First Teaching’.
Deciding to place a child on the School's register of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities:
- Makes little or no progress even when teaching approaches are targeted particularly in a child’s identified area of weakness
- Shows signs of difficulty in developing literacy or mathematical skills which result in poor attainment in some curriculum areas
- Presents persistent emotional or behavioural difficulties which are not met by behavioural management techniques usually employed in the school
- Has sensory or physical problems and continues to make little or no progress despite the provision of an adapted curriculum
- Has communication and/or interaction difficulties and continues to make little or no progress despite the provision of an adapted curriculum
If after suitable provision has been made and reviewed, adequate progress is not observed the child may require an EHCP. This will be discussed with parents/carers in depth before any decision is made to apply for an EHCP.
Where schools seek the help of external support services, those services will need to see the child’s records in order to establish which strategies have already been employed and what progress if any has been made. They can then advise on new and appropriate strategies and interventions.
Interventions at SEND SUPPORT will be much more specific to the child’s individual needs.
Outside specialists for example, educational psychologists may be used to carry out assessments and observations to aid with identifying appropriate and suitable interventions.
All interventions in place to meet the needs of the child will be recorded on a provision map. These interventions will be reviewed on at least a termly basis.
All children will have access to outside agencies should they need them. Children do not need to be on the SEND register to receive outside agency support.
What is adequate progress for children with SEND?
- Diminishes the difference in attainment gap between the child and their year group
- Prevents the attainment gap growing wider
- Is similar to that of children starting from the same attainment baseline, but less than that of the majority of children
- Matches or betters the child’s previous rate of progress
- Ensures access to an adapted personalised or full curriculum
- Demonstrates an improvement in self-help, social or personal skills
- Demonstrates improvements in the child’s behaviour
- Demonstrates that a higher level of independence is achieved
Rainbow Provision – manager Charlotte Keegan
Shawclough Primary School is home to the Rainbow Provision for children with a diagnosis of Autism. Children who have a Rainbow Provision place have been allocated that place by the Local Authority in accordance with a specific set of criteria.
The Rainbow Provision provides a nurturing environment with access to a mainstream curriculum and peers who act as role models for social, communication and interaction.
Rainforest Specialist Provision-class teacher Rowan Rush
Shawclough Primary is home to the Rainforest Provision for children who require specialist provision. Children who have a Rainforest Provision place have been allocated that place by the Local Authority (LA) in accordance with a specific set of criteria.
Shawclough's Graduated Approach:
Quality First Teaching (Universal-all pupils)
Linked documents:
*Parent’s guide to Special Educational Needs at Shawclough
*Accessibility Plan/Policy
*Local Offer
*Information Report
*Community Cohesion Policy
*Teaching and learning policy
*Behaviour policy
* ASC Policy
*Rainbow Provision Policy