Accessibility Plan 



Manager: Head Teacher J Sandiford Mitchell                                        

Next Review: November 2023

Reviewed: November 2021

Reviewed: June 2019

  Approved By Governors: July 2019




We believe in each child’s right to learn and the teachers’ right to teach. This means that we strive to ensure that the barriers that might inhibit or prevent a child having access to learning are reduced as far as is humanly possible.

We take accessibility to mean;

  1. Physical access
  2. Participation in the school curriculum
  3. Access to information




Our commitment to the issues involved surrounding inclusion and accessibility can be seen in our vision statement, our information shared with parents and in our School Development Plan. We adhere to the LEA statements and policies regarding accessibility and inclusion, and have regard for the Disability Discrimination Act and recent Equal Opportunities legislation.


The purpose of this plan is to set out where we are at this moment in time and to set out our intentions and actions for improving accessibility. It covers one year in the first instance, but in future years may cover a period of three years, to tie in with our long term planning systems.


Access to the physical environment

What we do now:

  1. 1 ramp in the large playground
  2. 1 ramp on the carpark which gives access to the main office and reception area
  3. doors in the main entrance widened to admit wheelchair access
  4. doors at the community entrance widened to admit wheelchair access
  5. disabled toilet at the community entrance
  6. rolling programme of updating toilet areas, and making taps push starting
  7. provided some seating in the yard
  8. provided quieter areas (central areas) easily accessible to classes
  9. rolling programme of replacing whiteboards
  10. sporting events and out of school activities are planned with a view to catering for the access and safety needs of children
  11. resurface of parts of the yard
  12. rolling programme to replace classroom entrances with solid doors for soundproofing
  13. Personal Evacuation Plans regularly reviewed



What we plan to do to improve accessibility

  1. replace hand rails on the ramp and  wherever necessary
  2. where and when possible interactive boards should have pale backgrounds (to limit the glare)



Access to the curriculum

What we do now

  1. Plan for differentiation
  2. Make use of guidance from the DfES and QCA
  3. Staff are trained in issues relating to access, and special educational needs.
  4. Learning support is allocated as far as possible to enable teachers to employ them to the advantage of children with particular learning needs


What we can do to improve accessibility

  1. further develop the curriculum map to generate a strong context and meaning for learning
  2. share information with parents via workshops and class newsletters



Access to communications and information

What we do now

  1. put information out in newsletters, leaflets and workshops
  2. have established a web site for the school
  3. send text messages
  4. shared our email address with parents and staff
  5. had inset on autism, the foundation stage and key staff have received training and advice from experts
  6. we can arrange for in school translation for meetings



What we can do to improve accessibility

  1. make key letters dual language where possible
  2. use online translations where possible
  3. arrange for our training sessions to be whole staff events if at all possible.


This year’s accessibility plan

  1. gates on the ramp
  2. tarmac remainder of the yard
  3. decking to be replaced to ease outdoor access for Phase 1
  4. signage


This year’s asset management plan


  1. bin store relocation – therefore new fencing / paths
  2. replace double doors – phase 1
  3. replace double fire doors (Harry’s) easier exit
  4. cut down dangerous tree and shrubs around premises
  5. replace lighting to LED
  6. install solar panels
  7. continue bidding process for NOF sporting playing fields initiative; devise plans; consult community and children

Monitoring and evaluation


The SLT, the staff and the Governing body alongside the School Development plan will monitor the accessibility plan. This means that it receives regular reviews, in the light of new circumstances as they develop. A summary of the plan will be incorporated into the Information for New Parents pack.