At Shawclough Primary School, we believe the development of language and communication skills is of the highest priority.
In studying English, children develop skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening enabling them to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and to communicate effectively with others.
Our objectives in the teaching of English are:
· to offer an exciting and accessible curriculum.
· to develop the skills of each child to the highest level.
· to nurture confident children who leave the school with an enjoyment of and passion for English
How Reading is Taught
· Reading is taught through systematic synthetic phonics. At Shawclough we use the Read write Inc scheme. The children are taught in groups reflecting the phase of the phonics programme that they are currently working within. For more information on the phonics programme we follow click on the link below.
· Through sharing and reading a range of high quality texts with the children they develop their word reading and comprehension skills.
· In years 2-6, we use the Reading VIPERS to develop talk for reading and to practise and master different comprehension skills. Please use the examples below to use when reading at home with your child.
Examples of Key stage 1 questions:
Examples of Key Stage 2 questions:
The teaching of reading is supported by a wide range of high quality school and home reading books from publishers such as 'Oxford University Press', 'Pearson' and 'Collins'.
How Writing is Taught
In EYFS, writing is encouraged through using different gross and fine motor skills so the children are prepared for writing. Activities such as making bird feeders, using tools and
mark making with different pens, brushes and pencils all contribute towards the readiness to write.
In Key Stage 1, children use the Read Write Inc scheme to practise writing words, phrases and sentences. Activities include hold a sentence, edit a sentence and writing linked to the different reading books.
Through Key Stages 1 and 2, we use Talk for Writing to learn, rehearse and perform different types of writing. We use different resources such as books, objects, films and pictures to stimulate the children’s imagination and curiosity as a ‘hook’ into their English skills. Using the ‘hooks’ and high quality WAGELLs ( What A Good Example Looks Like) for writing the children can imitate them and then innovate their own creative writing.
We use both reading and writing activities to develop children’s spelling, punctuation and grammar knowledge.
Here are some helpful links to help your child develop their English skills at home: ·
English Progression documents