On Tuesday 6th February Unit 3 took part in safer internet day 2017. This year's theme focused on give a smile. Classes within the unit took part in a variety of activities that focused on the following themes:
- The permanence of image
- How to make the internet a safer place
- Images - real or fake?
- Emoji charades
- Uniting for a safer internet
How can we stay safe online? What would you do to make the internet a safer place?
Below are just a selection of the photos from our fantastic day.
2 May 2017
To stay safe online it is important to think SMART. To make the internet safer and a better place , I would educate people about how to stay safe online
2 May 2017
We can stay safe online by keeping our personal details to ourselves and not talking to complete strangers,only communicate with people that you know!
2 May 2017
To stay safe you can go on a safe search engine.
2 May 2017
us children loved safe internet day it was amazing it taught us all how to stay safe so we can't be hacked or get viruses so I think you should give a thumbs up
2 May 2017
To stay safe on the internet keep your personal information to yourself.To make the internet a better place stay SMART
2 May 2017
us children loved safe internet day it was amazing it taught us all how to stay safe so we can't be hacked or get viruses so I think you should give a thumbs up
2 May 2017
To stay safe online you need to keep your personal information to yourself.if you see something inappropriate tell an adult so they can help you.
2 May 2017
We can make sure no one is being mean.We can educate people about staying safe on the internet.
2 May 2017
Stay safe and don't chat to random guys
2 May 2017
You should always stay safe on the internet because other people can hake into your things.
2 May 2017
You can stay safe on the internet by asking a adult if something pops up.You can make the internet a better place by being SMART.S= safe M=meet A=accept R=reliable T=tell.
Mr Clegg
2 May 2017
Yes Salah - Aldin it is important to keep your accounts safe and you can do this by remembering not to give out personal information and think about what you accept. Remember SMART rules
2 May 2017
To be safe online do not put your personal information on it and stay smart.s is for safe m is for meating a is for is for acsept r is for responsible t is for tell.