Year 6's reflect on their times at the school and the history they have made or been a part of’, before heading off to Big School.
Please share an important memory in the blog below.
1 July 2016
My best memory when I dressed up as Doctor Who in Unit 3 it was just the perfect day for me! :) I will miss Shawclough School since I started in yr 5, Art & computing my fav sessions in School! ;) My teacher in Year 5 was Mrs Yeomans, she was funny and really giggley all da time! =3 my friends are totally great for me and that's all I have to say! :)
I will miss you Shawclough on the last day, I will still remember you.
1 July 2016
My past eight years at Shawclough have been amazing but one of my favourite memories was when it was Mr Catlows first time doing games, on his own. I was only just coming out on to the playground and I fell over so Cara had to take me in to first aid. My knees had cuts on them and they were bleeding a lot.
1 July 2016
My best memory was when we went to Farmby beach in unit 2 with Mr Clegg. It was fun because everybody was together and we all had a lot of fun.
My best memory was also when we went to Robiwnood in Unit 3 when I was in year 5. The teachers who cam with us were Miss Fleming and Miss Alan. I liked it because it was fun and challenging.
1 July 2016
This is not just a school , it's been a family . My best memory was when we went to Skipton castle! We all got locked up in the dungeon and the lights turned off "Ahhhh!" we all screamed it was amazing! My other memory was when we went to Robinwood . Dramas come along in the piranha pool you cry,laugh and shout but it was amazing.
And finally the staff at Shawclough C.P School were amazing especially Miss Allan T.A of the week! I will miss you all xxxxx
1 July 2016
I remember in UNIT 2 when Ms Smith left and Ms Fleming took over and taught us Computing. At Robin Wood when the teachers cheated when we were playing in the hall were we had hot chocolate . I remember in Unit 1 we had toy day and I brung in my toy truck. Iv had a goodtime at shawclough but now im in YR 6 I kinda want to leave and meet new people.
1 July 2016
Shawclough has been more than a school to me. My favorite memory was Robinwood when we were on the trapize because I overcame my worst fears which is heights. Another good memory was my first ever match for shawclough , I was nervous and excited because it was my first and I waned to make an impact.
I will miss shawclough.
1 July 2016
I love Shawclough but on of my favorite part is doing numbers count with Miss Harrison it was fun we played some board games.
also the slide, at unit 1 there was a huge slide me and my friend Samyan was going on it a thousand time it was amazing I wish I could go again.
1 July 2016
One of my favourite memories at Shawclough was when we were at Robinwood in Year 5 and in the Team Challenge we won balls as points and in the end the teachers' team only got 2 points! Another great memory was when we went to the Co-op in Year 5. We got to play games and do a quiz, and at lunchtime I brought a yoghurt lolly in my packed lunch, and the teachers looked at it before I got to eat it! Finally, the staff at Shawclough were amazing! Me and one of my best friend Cara did a job called 'Play Leading' together with Miss Harrison, also one of the amazing members of staff who you could talk to when you were worried. Miss Fleming taught us ICT in Year 6, and made everything seem easier. I'll miss Shawclough school and everyone in it, it's been the best!
1 July 2016
I remember in choir when we timed Miss Fitton how long until she got the lap top from unit 3 it was so fun . At the beach when Melissa bared me in the sand and I jumped out and startled her . School has been like a family .
1 July 2016
My memory in Shawclough is when it snowing because me and my friends made a huge snowman and kept sliding on the slippery snow when we where on the new equipment.
1 July 2016
My memory
on the unit 1 slide i was at the bottom and my friends came shooting down.First I screamed and then all day we were so giggly and they were copying my reaction.
When arrived in unit three I had a feeling Mr Catlow was the funniest adult there.
This is not only my school it is where I learnt how to be the person I am now!
1 July 2016
My favorite memory was when I was in Robinwood and Miss Fleming gave us warm hugs and also when the teachers were cheating by putting balls in their tube in the team challenge.
When we went to the beach in year 1 and we got to have ice cream with Miss Grantham.
This school is very special for me.
1 July 2016
My best memory in all of my time in school is when I fell in prickle bush. Also when the confetti canon went of when I was stood up I fell on my bum next when I when I scored in my football club. William Kai my best friends I will never find better friends.
1 July 2016
I remember the memories since the day when I was in nursery we needed to look in this basket for our name when we found it we stuck it on this wall. When we was in year 6 we went to the cinema and watched Zarafa and had polo's with it.
This school has been a credit. Thank you for the staff who taught me.
1 July 2016
I remember when everyone[Christian Cody william and jack] made one giant snowball then one person[louis] sat on it then it broke in half I remember when we where in unit one and we had a snow day are hands where freezing and we where sleighing then we went in side and had some hot chocolate
1 July 2016
I remember when we all went to the Cinema and Mrs. Wilson gave us all Polo`s.
I remember when we Mummified the Fish my Teacher Mrs. Pollard had to take the guts out of the Fish .
1 July 2016
My best memories is when we went to Blackpool zoo , I had my sandwich in my hand but then I drop it after that a seagull dived down and eat it . in unit 1 I made a new friend Christian ,he has been a good friend he is funny and kind . He has now left but I will all ways remember him .
1 July 2016
My best memory was Robinwood in the Parana pool it was quite scary.people where crying, it was challenging. We got hot chocolate before we went to sleep.
1 July 2016
These past few years at Shawlough Primay School have been amazing and really fun one of my favourite memories is when me and Nadie was walking down a step and i tripped up and she was laughing for ages and then i fell over and i pulled her down with me.My other memory is in Robin Wood when we got our choc ices and i dropped it so i got another one and i dropped that and we was all laughing im going to miss you all and Miss Allen we will never forget you xxxxx
1 July 2016
Shawclough has been more than a school.the teachers and t.as have been amazing like at Robin wood when Daniella had a choc ice and she dropped it and then got a nother and then dropped it and then got a nother .It was so funny !!
1 July 2016
my favorite memory was Robinwood when we had to hold on to the wire and crawl through the night line I loved it because we was peed on by squirrels and it landed on us.
I also loved the discos and the parties because you got to have fun and hang out with your mates.
1 July 2016
I will miss shawclough c.p school a lot . I have loads of memory ,one of my favorite memory was when we went to robin wood and I screamed in the piranha pool so loud . And also when I was in year one someone ripped off father Christmas's beard!
shawclough has been a really good school ! I will miss coming here.
Fatima. R
1 July 2016
The funniest memory in Shawclough was in unit 1 when Father Christmas came and was giving gift to everyone and one child sat on his lap and pulled his beard off.
One of my other memories was when we were doing an E - Saftey Showcase and I was so excited to say my line but the teacher told the next person to say there line and I didn't get to say mine !
1 July 2016
Shawclough has been a credit to me!
One of my favorite memories from Shawclough is from unit 2. We were in green class and Miss Fleming was doing computing. Miss Fleming put on a lot of different music after lessons. We had: I like to move it, move it, sid the sloth, who let the dogs out and many more. I wish I could stay in this school forever. Its been like a family to me.
A huge thanks to all of the staff and friends who helped me!
1 July 2016
I will miss shawclough a lot it has been more than a school to me.
I am grateful to the whole staff the teachers, teaching assisstants they have all been so grateful.
My funniest memory was when we were in unit 1 and the fake father christmas came in and somebody pulled off his beard.I loved robinwood and i was about about to cry in the pirahna pool.I loved all the trips i went on especially the formby beach trip it was fun playing with the sand and the sea.
I remember when a dog came into the school into to my class amber class and Mr.Clegg jumped on the table and everybody screamed soooo loud.
i will miss shawclough soooooo much i love you shawclough.
1 July 2016
I have had a great time at Shawclough and have experienced many fascinating things. I remember when I went to Skipton Castle and we all got a I badge I have still got that badge and it has been four years till then event took place I also remember going to knosely Safari Park in year one and going to Formby Beach me and Fatima we praised by miss Grice because we didn't go in the water when that even took place I remember someone found a crab it was excellent.
1 July 2016
My favorite memory at shawclough is when Mrs.kanham squirted wipped cream into Mr Catlow's mouth and also the bottle exploded and went every were! when I was in year 3 mrs Johnson put a song on me,emma,Molly were the only ones left
I will miss shawclough!
1 July 2016
I have had a great time at Shawclough and have experienced many fascinating things. I remember when I went to Skipton Castle and we all got a I badge I have still got that badge and it has been four years till then event took place I also remember going to knosely Safari Park in year one and going to Formby Beach me and Fatima we praised by miss Grice because we didn't go in the water when that even took place I remember someone found a crab it was excellent.
1 July 2016
I have been in Shawclough since pre school so I have a lot of memories but my favorite one was in unit1.
It was snowing and we went out side to go sledging and I was to scared to go but at the end I went with Miss Bali from that day I have always loved sledging.
Ali Hussain
1 July 2016
My best memory is when we went to the beach I found a dead crab and Brandon took it home and dissected it then put it in a bag to show me and Amaan
1 July 2016
I only came to Shawclough last year however it has been amazing so far.
I have made many friends and many memories but my best so far is when we went to the cinema and we watched the film Zarafa and we got free Polo's. Also the end of SATs was a very big relief.
1 July 2016
My favorite memory was when we went to robin wood ! When I conquered my fear of heights on the trapeze! I almost made it to the second bar but I failed ! (But because I have epic friends) they cheered me on to do my best ! Even though I didn't make it to the bar, robin wood was still the best trip to go to EVER!!!!!!
1 July 2016
My favorite memory was when we was at robin wood Daniella dropped her ice choc and got another one and... dropped it and then got another one... and dropped it so she just gived up and got jelly. I have made so many friends but the ones that stand out are syd,faith,matilda,holly.
1 July 2016
Shawclough has been a 2nd home to me. My best memory was when we went Formby beach and we took all our clothes off except for our underpants . My 2nd best memory in Shawclough was when we went to Robinwood and I fell in poo and I was just laughing my head off . My 3rd was when I made my debut for Shawclough FC and scored 2 goals.
This school has been a credit and thank you for the teachers who put up with me