Is Coding the Most Important Language in the World?
What things did they say and show to change people’s understanding of coders and coding?
Can you list as many cool places you can work or cool jobs you can have that use coding?
Please answer the following questions in the blog.
• What is code?
• What can you do with it?
• Why is it so important?
22 April 2016
1. A group of letters and numbers on a key board to develop things and design them.
2. Make laptops do things and you can order them.
3. Because without code there would be no google no search engines and no video games !
22 April 2016
What is code?
1. Its part of algortithm
2. When people rather type on a: iPhone , Computer or laptop and they want to make the coder serve them they have to execute to type
22 April 2016
Code is a list of word instructions that make a machine do something.
With code you can design games, create your own websites and much more.
Code is an important because it is a part of education. It s also used by many people for leisure.
22 April 2016
code is created by people and cannot control itself because code doesn't just appear humans create code
-what is code
if you didn't have code the internet will not exist but because there is code you can play games go on social media etc
-what can you do with code
code is important to mostly everyone because internet is a massive part of people life because it is the 20th century and people like internet.
22 April 2016
Code is instructions that help a computer execute an instruction.
You can create a game with code and you can control your car with code .
It is so important because we use it in every day life .
22 April 2016
Coding is instructions for a device.
Coding can bring up the certain things you had searched.
It is important because without it there wouldn't be the internet.
22 April 2016
What is code? Code is a special type of language.
What can you do with it? You can programme robots and computers .
Why is it so important? If you did not know code you wont be able to code a computer.
22 April 2016
1.code is a language between robots and people. 2.with code you can command robots 3.becuase its the future
22 April 2016
coding is a language that computers use to communicate to us so they know what to go on. with coding you can play games and search the web .Coding is important because if we didn't have it today we wont have any apps or even Google
22 April 2016
What is code?
coding is a special type of language
What can you do with it?
Tell a device what you want them to do
Why is it so important?
Without coding you would not be able to literally anything
22 April 2016
code is a language between people and computers. make lots of things . you can make games. because you can do so much with code and find things with cod
Mohammad Farhan
22 April 2016
A code is a cluster of letters/figures
Code can be used on games and to make some objects automatic.
we need codes for stuff like airplanes and cars[all vehicles] also so people don't get bored.
22 April 2016
coding is a special language
you can do anything with coding
I think you need to learn coding ,it is the future
22 April 2016
code is a language between humans and computers. you can make games , make apps ,search websites. because it helps people with work, learning and fun and make websites as well.
22 April 2016
Coding is instructions on a device.
Coding is used so humans can communicate on the device.
It's important because the gadgets wouldn't exist.
22 April 2016
Code is a language that helps people create a machine.
You can make games and machines like a computer.
Code is important because it helps you communicate and lets you play games.
22 April 2016
A code is something that you register on a machine
You can make cars drive with coding with out you even driving it
it is important to code because if you want to invent something then you can i
22 April 2016
1. The person who made Instagram taught himself code.
2. Software engineering, technical engineering and working for Apple and/or Android.
3. Code is a language that people use on electronic devices so things work better.
22 April 2016
codding is wording instructions to execute program to a machine,coders are what you can or cannot do on a device.
22 April 2016
A code is when you send a message and then it reads it and then sends it.You can do a lot of things .So you can send things and do other things.
22 April 2016
I think coding is the most important language because without codes we wouldn't have the technology for hospitals.
22 April 2016
code is a sequans of 1&0 to controle a computer robot apps like minecraft,
instergram, happy wheeles,roblox.
code can also controle cars.
code would not be arownd with with us.
Aiza Aslam
22 April 2016
-coding is instructions for a device.
-you can programme robots, computers or electrical devices
- coding is so important that if we didn't have coding we wouldn't have any apps or any fun online games
22 April 2016
Coding is a common language between humans and devices .
Without code there wouldn't text messages .
If we didn't have code we couldn't search .
Coding is important as learning to read and write!
22 April 2016
Why is it so important? coding is important because without it you wouldn't be able to do hardly anything like you wouldn't be able to communicate to people
22 April 2016
If the world didn't have code you wouldn't be able to do everyday things such as texting.You wouldn't be able text at all if there was no code so I think yes.
22 April 2016
Code is a common language between a human and a device.
You can use code to make a device follow a command , code is so important because we use it in everyday life and sometimes without realizing.
Code is now as important as reading and writing.
22 April 2016
with codes you can make important life useful supplies e.g: apps, new tech, pictures
22 April 2016
code is a common language between a device and a human. you can message, play games or even create apps. coding is for anyone
22 April 2016
Code is a common language between a human and a device.
you can use coding for jobs like making apps and creating code.
22 April 2016
I feel like coding is going to take over the world as well as reading and writing.
22 April 2016
Code is a common language between people and computer.,
you can code apps like:robloks,instrogram,mincraft
22 April 2016
what can you do with it? with code you can do many things like talk to people and also if you wanted you can make your own aps up for example there was a guy who made instagram
22 April 2016
What is code? Code is the language that humans and computers can communicate with you use it almost every single day such as searching something on google or texting for instance I think its the most common language of our century.
22 April 2016
1. Coding is a sequence of numbers and symbols given to a computer. It is a common language between a human and a computer.
2. With coding you can: turn the heating on from your phone, keep your house secure, learn new things and cars can pretty much do everything for you.
3. it is so important because our world is evolving by technology and if you don't know how to code then a lot of jobs wont be available because you don't know how to use it.
22 April 2016
Code is a common language between people and devices. You can do lots of different things with coding like planning weddings and creating things like Instagram. Coding can be important as well as fun because it is used a lot in Hospitals and other important places. In my opinion coding is just as important as reading and writing!
22 April 2016
If coding wasn't around people wouldn't be alive because people in hospital need coding to make people live.
22 April 2016
Code is a sequence of 1s and 0s that tell the computer to do what you've put in
Ali Hussain
22 April 2016
I think that coding is really helpful and cool because it is another language between computers and people
22 April 2016
what is code? code is a sequence of 1 & 0
who uses code? any body can use code
Sarhan Dad khan
22 April 2016
1.coding is instructions for a device and a common language.
2.you can play games and a person has made Instergram by using code.
3.It is very important because without coding they will be no internet or social media.
22 April 2016
Code is a langue between people,devices and computers. Coding is as important as reading and writing because with out it you wouldn't have phones and computers.It is a series codes and symbols.
22 April 2016
What is code? Code is a sequence of numbers and letters to make an algorithm
What can you do with it?You can socialize and do all sorts of things: apps, games and videos
Why is it so important? It could be the future and could be the new language.
22 April 2016
-code is instructions to use on a device
-you can control things with codes
-code is important because you can use it to play games, do work and most importantly there would no internet without codes.
22 April 2016
What is code ? A code is a type of language. We use codes nearly everyday of are lives. Coding is very important because if we didn't have it today we would have no internet or apps.
22 April 2016
1. A code is a bunch of letters and numbers which instructs your phone or any device to do something.
2. With codes you can make apps and programme machines and many more things.
3. Without codes there would be no games or no internet even phones would not be able to work
22 April 2016
the jobs that involve codes are : app designing and computer making
22 April 2016
coding is in peoples electronic arms and legs.coding is our hero! serious...and it saves lives that actually need saving and don't.coding is awesome!
22 April 2016
What is code? code is a common language between a human and a computer
What can you do with it? You can make a car drive without driving it
Why is coding so important? If we didn't code we couldn't search up anything.
Coding is as important as reading and writing!
22 April 2016
Code is a sequence of numbers , letters and symbols. If we didn't have code we wouldn't be able to text , email or watch anything on your phone or tablet. If code didn't exist hospitals wouldn't have the equipment, you wouldn't be able to play on games.
22 April 2016
this is coding
22 April 2016
this is coding, 100011101001011110010100010111110001101010001111110111011000111001110000000011110000011000001000001110010101110000001000100111000110001111111100001111100111110111100011010100011111101110110001110010
22 April 2016
coding is a special type of language it helps a computer or device know what to do.
(I did more but it all went off and I lost it all)
22 April 2016
I think :
most thing's in the world are going to be use of codes because its very useful
1. What is code?
codes are symbols and information that people use every day
2.What can you do with it?
you can make different types of devices
3.Why is it so important?
with out it hospitals can't save people and police cant track people down
22 April 2016
1.Coding is instructions for a device and a common language .
2.You can use games with coding and instergram was made by coding.
3.If you didn't have coading then there will be no internet or social media.