Welcome to
Shawclough Community Primary School

Headteacher's Welcome

Hello everyone,

Obviously I am biased – I believe that Shawclough Community Primary School is a fabulous school.

My name is Julia Sandiford-Mitchell and I am the Headteacher of Shawclough C.P. School. I have been here since January 2008 and I love it.

I love it because the children are fantastic and the staff are amazing. It makes me feel very proud to be part of a community where everyone is valued and cared for, whoever you are. Our school ethos is based around themes of Safety, Trust and Family...

Our Values

At Shawclough, we want our children to experience the love of learning, whilst feeling cared for and safe.

Whilst enjoying their learning, we want to enable children to become creative thinkers, effective participators, reflective learners, self managers and independent enquirers, whilst learning as part of a team.

All the adults in our school, engaging with parents, will try our best to make this happen for every child..

The School Day

The school day starts at 8.40 a.m. and finishes at 3:15pm. Meaning that children are in school for 32.9 hours a week

It is the parents who are responsible for ensuring that children arrive on time to start school at 8.40 a.m.  

Parents are responsible for the supervision of their children until the doors open at 8.30 a.m.

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3 September 2020

Phase 3 Homework Blog

17 July 2019